
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Strehl1978Asynchrony of hatching in Red-winged Blackbirds and survival of late and early hatching birds
G. M. Sutton1930Four eggs in the nest of a Mourning Dove
G. M. Sutton1930The nesting wrens of Brooke County, West Virginia
G. M. Sutton1923Notes on the nesting of the Wilson’s Snipe in Crawford County, Pennsylvania
R. C. Telfair, II1983Atypically colored little Blue Heron eggs
T. G. Wheeler1980Experiments in feeding behavior of the Anna Hummingbird
B. M. Whitney1992A nest and egg of the Rufous Antpitta in Ecuador
B. M. Whitney, Pacheco, J. F., DaFonseca, P. S. M., Barth, Jr., R. H.1996The nest and nesting ecology of Acrobatornis fonsecai (Furnariidae), with implications for intrafamilial relationships
D. A. Wiedenfeld1982A nest of the Pale-billed Antpitta (Grallaria carrikeri) with comparative remarks on antpitta nests
F. A. Wilkinson, Smith U. R.1997The first nest records of the Sooty Antbird (Myrmeciza fortis) with notes on eggs and nestling development
K. Winker, Weiss, S. A., Trejo-P., J. L.1999Notes on the avifauna of Tobasco
L. Wolf1987Host-parasite interactions of Brown-headed Cowbirds and Dark-eyed Juncos in Virginia
L. L. Wolf1971Predatory behavior in Montezuma Oropendola
T. M. Wood, Gallo, F., Donahue, P. K.1992Observations at a Paradise Tanager nest
D. A. Zimmerman1957Notes on Tamaulipan birds
P. E. Llamb{\'ıas, Ferretti V.2003Parental care in the Great Kiskadee
P. E. Llamb{\'ıas, Ferretti, V., Rodr{\'ıguez, P. S.2001Kleptoparasitism in the Great Kiskadee
M. Mar{\'ın2001Postnatal development of the Violet Saberwing in Costa Rica
M. Mar{\'ın1999Food, foraging, and timing of breeding of the Black Swift in California
M. Mar{\'ın1997Some aspects of the breeding biology of the Black Swift


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith